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El maldito amor que tanto miedo da. Mi mundo de sensaciones, pensamientos y vibraciones es este... adelante. RP. RBW.

07 abril 2010

James: I feel like I should tell you; I had my heart broken recently. Is that, uh, I just thought I should tell you.
EmThat sucks. Who broke your heart?
James: A girl at school. Yeah, it’s typical. I actually…I think there was something there. I think we had like…potential. I don’t know, I think she was afraid.
Em: Afraid of what?
JamesI don’t know. Afriad of it being good or something.
Em: Was the sex good?
JamesShe was very sexy.
Em: You’ve been with a lot of girls.
James: Hmm, yeah. Are we talking about like…intercourse, specifically?
Em: Yeah…
James: Yeah, yeah, uhm. No, in that case…there were actually a few times I could’ve done…that, but it wasn’t, er, it wasn’t exactly right.
Em: Wait, so you’re telling me you’re a virgin?
JamesThere were cir

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Mi amor, la libertad no es fantástica no es tormenta mental que da el prestigio loco es más gruesa y oscuridad y el chasquido que quiere proteger ése grito que no es todo el grito.